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2024 Call for Speakers

Our Submission Window is Now Closed. Thank you for your interest!

Submission Deadline: Wednesday, July 10

**Please note: This submission page is designed to share details about your workshop or a panel discussion you host and organize. It’s not to seek inclusion within another conference session. 

    1a. SPEAKER INFORMATION (required):

    Fill out the complete speaker information form in the way your speaker would like to be registered for the event and as they would like their name and title to appear on the agenda. In the event that your submission is accepted, we will register your speakers using this information. The headshot and bio you submit will be used on our agenda and in our printed materials.

    * This number will only be used for speaker coordination and will not be shared with attendees

    1b. SPEAKER HEADSHOTS (required):
    For each speaker you are submitting, please upload a recent headshot, .jpg or .png, 300 dpi. Note: Most images downloaded from a website are low resolution and will not work for print.


    If you are submitting additional speakers, please include their headshots below:

    2. SUBMISSION FOR SESSION AT (required):

    Pre-Owned ConAuto Fin ConCan ConRepo ConNRCNAVICon

    3. SESSION TITLE (required):

    Limit your title to 50 characters or fewer. Keep it short and simple, but engaging. Attendees should be able to discern your presentation topic from just the title. Spend a minute or two thinking about the most important aspects of your presentation, and try to convey the tone of your session. Please do not include your company name in the title of your session.

    4. SESSION DESCRIPTION (required):

    In 800 characters or fewer, tell attendees why they should attend your session. And if it’s a workshop, why YOUR workshop is the one to choose over the others running concurrently. What will you cover in your session, and what knowledge can they expect to gain? If accepted, this is your opportunity to position yourself as an industry expert! Be specific!

    5. INTENDED AUDIENCE (required):

    In 800 characters or fewer, what types of attendees will get the most out of your session? Who do you think should attend? Be specific about the types of job roles to which your session will speak most directly.

    6. COMMENTS (optional):

    Feel free to share with us anything else that you’d like us to know! Let us know what you would bring to the discussion that is unique and fresh and why we should choose you to be a part of our event.

    If you’re having trouble submitting the form please make sure that:

    • Email address in section one is formatted correctly

    • Speaker biography is less than 800 characters

    • Headshot file size is 2MG or less

    • Session title is less than 50 characters

    • Session description is less than 800 characters (Use this tool to check character count: Character Counter)

    *company names, your own or otherwise, are prohibited from session titles